OTRmost Gear Bag
The OTRmost Gear Bag is your base camp - consciously designed to stash all of your needs. 65L of storage capacity stashes up to 3 days of gear. Dedicated compartments for tools, shoes, helmet, clean and dirty apparel with our Laundry Chute™, and fresh meals and cool water with our Cold Pack™ storage.

How does the OTRmost Gear Bag hold it all?
Insulated Cooler Inside
Separate Storage for Dirty Apparel - lined and ventilated
Use And Care Instructions
Cleaning: Kulkea bags may be cleaned by hand as needed with warm soapy water and followed by air drying in a warm, dry environment. Do not use alcohol or other cleaning solutions. Do not machine wash or dry.
Storage: Kulkea bags should be stored in a warm, dry environment free of mold and mildew.
Airline Baggage Check Precautions:
- Do not leave straps hanging from the bag when placing it with airline baggage check.
- Do not use helmet slings with airline baggage check carriage.
- If the bag includes Stow-Away Straps, ensure the straps are fully tucked-away.